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Carlos Ramôa, Portugal – GOULD AWARD WINNER 2024

Carlos received this prestigious award in recognition of his long service to the WBO as Vice Chairman from 2010, Chairman from 2016 and attending WBO meetings since 2004. Carlos is a tremendous ambassador for bird keeping throughout the world not only as WBO Chairman but also in his role as President of the Confederation Ornithologique Mondial (COM), a role that takes Carlos all over Europe and South America. With his fluency in speaking five languages it makes it that much easier when dealing with government officials in many countries. As President of COM he  has been instrumental in organising the annual World Show for many years. Carlos is a respected international judge and President of the Portugese Budgerigar Society (SPO).

Carlos Ramôa (WBO Chairman) receiving his award in the presence of Gerd Bleicher (WBO Immediate Past Chairman), Ghalib Al-Nasser (WBO Secretary) and Grant Findlay (WBO Vice Chairman)


Dewayne received his award in recognition of his long service to the fancy since he started back in 1966. He is a founder member of his national society the BAA which earned him a lifetime membership of that society. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the BAA and for a number of years was the Judges Panel Administrator. Dewayne's dedication and loyalty to the hobby has earned his respect all around the world. He has mentored many newcomers to the hobby and judged all around the USA and also the very first WBO World Championship Show back in 2013 in Italy. His passion is not only restricted to the main stream colours but he has also developed the German Fallow to an exhibition standard.

Dewayne Weldon receiving his award from Joshua Anthony (BAA Chairman) and Julie Willis (Judges Administrator)

Dewayne Weldon


Jeff received his award in recognition of his long service to the fancy since he started as a young boy learning the hobby from top breeders of the day which helped him to become one of the past top breeders in the country. Jeff was a successful exhibitor winning numerous Best in Show awards and a very knowledgeable judge who has judged all over the world. Jeff has eloquent speaking skills which has made him a much sought-after international speaker. Jeff is a great supporter of the fancy having published articles in many magazines. His depth of knowledge in breeding and genetics have assisted many fanciers over many years. He helped in developing the Texas clearbody when he introduced the variety to England and Europe from the USA. Jeff was one of the early fanciers to develop the spangle variety and melanistic spangle in the UK.

Richard Hooper (Western Counties Chairman), Jeff Attwood (recipient of the Gould Award), Chris Snell (B.S. President), Maurice Roberts (B.S. Chairman)


Reinhard received this very well-deserved award in recognition of his achievements in the World of Budgerigars over a long period of time, initially in Germany and then in South Africa. He was one of the visionary German pioneers involved in the formation of the German specialist club for English Show Budgies and co-founder of the European Championship Show in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Reinhard was the first to establish the new Spangle variety in Europe when it arrived in 1981 and also he was the first to bring the Saddleback variety from Australia in 1984. Later on, he imported the Easley and Texas Clearbody varieties from the USA and established all those new mutations in Europe.

Since emigrating to South Africa in 1993 he established a quality stud which was the envy of many breeders from all over the world. Reinhard has made a lasting and positive impact in Germany, South Africa and all over the world of show budgerigars.

Reinhard receiving his award from Pierre Swart (Chairman South Africa BS) and Frank Nietgen (German WBO delegate)

Reinhard with his family and friends


Roy received his award in recognition of his long service to the fancy since 1971 as a breeder of top-quality budgerigars, especially in the cinnamon and opaline cinnamon varieties. Roy is also a very well-respected judge who has judged in many countries around the world. His birds have done very well on the show bench, winning numerous Best in Show awards. He is past President of the Budgerigar Society. Roy is also an accomplished artist who drew the WBO Pictorial Ideal in 2008.

Grant Findlay (WBO Vice Chairman) presenting the Gould Award to Roy Aplin at the 2022 B.S. Spring Event with Ghalib Al-Nasser (WBO Secretary), Lucy Aplin, Chris Snell (B.S. President) & Maurice Roberts (B.S. Chairman)


Carlos Ramôa (WBO Chairman) presenting the Gould Award to Leo Endres with Ghalib Al-Nasser (WBO Secretary), Grant Findlay (WBO Vice Chairman) & Gerd Bleicher (WBO Immediate Past Chairman)

Leo Endres was one of the first German pioneers, who during his regular visits to England, cultivated many contacts to the then top breeders in the UK. His friendly nature, which everyone appreciates, sets him apart in a special way. Leo passed the DWV judge's examination in 1980 and since then has been invited to judge throughout the world. In the AZ, Leo was also involved as auditor, DWV Board Delegate of Baden-Württemberg and since 1996 as a member of the AZ Honorary Council.

His services to the AZ-Ortsgruppe Karlsruhe are immeasurable. He was chairman from 1971 to 1985 was one of the founding fathers of the first European Show in the heart of Europe in 1984. In recognition of his special services and tireless commitment to AZ-Ortsgruppe Karlsruhe, Leo was appointed Honorary Chairman on 2006 and was presented with the Golden AZ Badge of Honour in 2017 by AZ President Karl-Friedrich Scharrelmann at the 33rd AZ European Championships.

Leo has also always been keen to get beginners and juniors involved in the hobby.


Gerald Binks receiving his Award from Carlos Ramôa (WBO Chairman)

Gerald received his award in recognition of his long service to the fancy since 1956 and who was instrumental in creating the successful magazine Budgerigar World back in September 1982 which reached world-wide audience that assisted in the development of the budgerigar fancy in all areas of breeding, showing, judging and organising events. Also for bringing the hobby and fanciers world-wide together through his two successful books (Best in Show and The Challenge) and his 100s of articles published world-wide.


Roger Carr receiving his award in the presence of Ghalib Al-Nasser (WBO Secretary), Carlos Ramôa (WBO Chairman), Grant Findlay (WBO Vice Chairman) & Gerd Bleicher (WBO Immediate Past Chairman)

Roger received this prestigious award in recognition of his long service to the fancy in the U.K. for over 60 years (since 1957); but in particular for his involvement, as Chairman of the Budgerigar Society at the time, in creating the WBO when he chaired the initial meetings in 1992 & 1993 which led to the formation of the WBO in 1994. He became the first Chairman of the WBO and served for 12 years. Roger served on the Budgerigar Society General Council for 32 years in many capacities including President, Chairman & Patronage Secretary. He continues to be actively involved with local clubs and helping newcomers to the fancy with his wealth of knowledge.


Gren Norris receiving his award in the presence of Grant Findlay (WBO Vice Chairman), Ghalib Al-Nasser (WBO Secretary), Carlos Ramôa (WBO Chairman) & Gerd Bleicher (WBO Immediate Past Chairman)

Gren received his award in recognition of his long service to the fancy for over 60 years (since 1954) as a breeder of top quality budgerigars both in the normal varieties as well as the specialist & rare varieties and he is a well respected judge. He served on the Budgerigar Society General Council for 23 years and their past President. Very successful exhibitor with his wife Pat winning major awards at all the top shows including the B.S. Club Show. He shares his wealth of knowledge by helping newcomers to the hobby in the form of lecturing all over the country.


Gerd Bleicher (WBO Chairman) receiving his award in the presence of Roger Carr (WBO immediate Past Chairman), Beverley Hutt (B.S. President), Ghalib Al-Nasser (WBO Secretary) and Carlos Ramôa (WBO Vice Chairman)

Gerd received his award, after being nominated by two countries, for his outstanding contribution to his German society the DSV; acting in many positions including chairman of the society from 1968 to 1972, 1973 to 1979 and continuously since 1998. His vast contribution as a writer in many magazines internationally, as well as lecturing around the world was also taken into consideration. He has been WBO Chairman since 2006, promoting the hobby world-wide. Also he was recognised as a breeder of excellence in promoting many varieties, in particular the Anthracite variety, and as an international judge.


Ghalib receiving his Gould Award from Gerd Bleicher, WBO Chairman, with the presence of the WBO delegates at their meeting in Istanbul

Ghalib received his award, after being nominated by four countries, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the specialist and rare varieties of budgerigars over a period of forty years in breeding, showing, lecturing and writing about them worldwide. This included his commitment to the Budgerigar Society together with his contribution to and involvement in running and organising many societies and shows in the U.K. particularly since inception of the national Specialist & Rare Variety show in the U.K. Ghalib’s contribution to the WBO, as secretary since 1997 and delegate since 1992, in introducing many countries to the organisation and constant engagement to keep organisations worldwide in contact with each other has also been recognised. He is a global ambassador for the hobby and in demand for judging and lecturing all over the world and has, so far, judged in 30 countries over the 6 continents.

Gould Award Winner 2013

Warren Wilson – Australia

Warren Wilson receiving his award from Gerd Bleicher (WBO Chairman) & Jean Painter (B.S. of N.S.W. President)

Gould Award Winner 2012

Jo Mannes – Germany

Jo Mannes receiving his award from Gerd Bleicher (WBO Chairman) & Ghalib Al-Nasser (WBO Secretary)

Warren received his award in recognition for the work carried out in support of breeding the lesser varieties through his organisation BRASEA, which he established many years ago. And in addition for running auctions to support and sponsor many specialist organisations throughout the World. He set up a special radio program to spread the word of our hobby throughout the World and provide sound advice to anyone with problems. Jo received his award for the work undertaken to change the appearance of the modern exhibition budgerigar from the early 1990s to what we see on the show bench today. His influence on the development of the modern day budgerigar can be seen worldwide. Jo’s depth of knowledge on breeding has been made known to other breeders through his contribution in lectures, articles and books. His success on the show bench in Europe is unsurpassed.


The WBO have created their own prestigious award called The Gould Award to commence as from 2011 and to be awarded for Meritorious Services to the World of Budgerigars.

The criteria for such an award to be as follows:

  • The award to be presented to a person who is still alive or who died within 12 months of nomination.

  • A maximum of 1 award per year to be allocated.

  • The Awards Committee (General Council Meeting) to have the right not to award it in any year, regardless of nominations.

  • Any member society can nominate only 1 person per year from any part of the world.

  • Nominations will commence as from 1st January 2011.

  • Closing date for nominations to be 31st December each year.

  • Biographical notes of up to 200 words to accompany the nominations on the society's official headed paper.

  • All nominations to be sent to the Secretary.

  • A Gould Medal and Certificate (both with the WBO logo and John Gould to appear in the design) to be awarded to the winner.

  • Election will be conducted at a General Council meeting with each society present at the meeting to have one vote only.

  • All members of the WBO Executive Committee will have one vote unless they are at the meeting as a representative of a society in which case they will cast the society vote.

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