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The organisation held its 17th Annual Meeting in the seaside resort of Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal on 29th October by invitation from Club SPO. Delegates from nine countries attended the meeting.

The WBO Chairman, Gerd Bleicher, thanked Club SPO for the wonderful hospitality received and for the wonderful array of gifts that Club SPO gave the delegates and their partners. This fantastic gesture from our Portuguese friends, the excellent hotel with sea view rooms, coupled with good weather and trips to Porto and Guimaraes, with visits to the Castle of the first King of Portugal (12th century) and the Bragança Dukes' Palace, which is a 15th century Palace, all set the scene for a another successful meeting with full cooperation between delegates to achieve positive decisions. The Chairman also welcomed the delegates from Turkey who were attending for the first time and the delegates from Australia who were absent from meetings for many years.

The WBO Secretary, Ghalib Al-Nasser, informed the meeting that three more new societies have affiliated to the WBO during the year, namely Federacion Ornitologica Argentina (FOA), Turkey Canary & Cage Birds Federation (TKKKF) and Venezuela “Club De Canaticultores De Caracas” (CCC). This brought our strength to 38 affiliated societies from 28 countries spread over the 6 continents. A warm welcome was extended to the members in Argentina, Turkey & Venezuela.

The Secretary further informed the meeting of the result of the postal vote with regard to the proposed Rule Change re-Representation & Voting (Rules 4 & 5) and the outcome was:

25 societies with a total vote of 40 were FOR the new proposed rule (91% of the votes cast)

2 societies with a total vote of 4 were AGAINST the new proposed rule (9% of the votes cast)

8 societies with 16 votes did not cast their vote

As the proposal managed to attract the necessary 65% majority of the votes cast it became effective immediately.

The response from the questionnaire sent to member organisations asking about details of their Judges Training Scheme resulted in a response from 11 societies only.

The meeting approved the recommendation from the WBO Standards Committee who met in June to recognise the new variety, the Anthracite, and the written Colour Standard for that variety as well as minor changes to the wording in some varieties.

The Gould Award

The WBO has created its own prestigious award called The Gould Award to commence from 2011 and to be awarded for Meritorious Services to the World of Budgerigars. The criteria for such an award to be as follows:

Some items of WBO news for fanciers all over the World to know about are:

Future Meetings 

The next WBO meeting will be held at 14.00 hrs on Friday 27th May 2011 in Canberra, the capital city of Australia, to coincide with the Australian National hosted this year by the Budgerigar Society of New South Wales.

The WBO is in a strong position in so far as future meetings till 2015 have already been planned with France in 2012, Italy in 2013, Turkey in 2014 and Great Britain in 2015.

Ring Specification, Colour Code and Sequence

The current ring specification for the budgerigar and colour sequence as adopted by both the WBO and the World Organisation, the Confederation Ornithologique Mondiale (COM), is listed below:

Minimum internal diameter 4.20 mm
Maximum internal diameter 4.40 mm
Wall thickness 0.60 – 0.90 mm
Ring height 3.85 – 4.00 mm
Colour Pantone Code RAL Code Year Year
Violet 249 U 4008 2009 2015
Orange 1505 U 2003 2010 2016
Dark Blue 301 U 5019 2011 2017
Red 1797 U 3002 2012 2018
Black 2U2X 8005 2013 2019
Pastel Green 344 U (closest) 6019 2014 2020

Member societies are strongly reminded that, when ordering rings from any ring manufacturer, to specify the exact WBO ring colour and the Pantone Code as well as the ring specification to avoid any misunderstanding by ring manufacturers.


The WBO currently is in a healthy position with Hungary (Magyarországi Diszmadárbarátok Pannónia Országos Szövetsčge) joining in early 2011 enjoying a membership from 39 affiliated societies that are spread over 6 continents in 29 countries. They are:

International Judges Panel

A list of current judges who are on the WBO International Judges Panel is on the website and full addresses of each judge may be obtained from the Secretary. The conditions relating to admittance to the WBO Judges Panel are as follows:

a.          to be a current champion breeder and exhibitor of Budgerigars in their own country. Where a country/society has only “one” Status of Exhibitor, a breeder and exhibitor of long standing will be acceptable subject to “b” & “c” below.

b.          be a fully qualified judge for a minimum of 5 years in their own country or in the country/society in which they qualified.

c.          apply in writing to their National Society (or the society in which they qualified) to be placed on the list. The National Society will then be responsible for checking their qualifications and, if eligible, for passing names, addresses and telephone numbers to the WBO Secretary for inclusion on the list.

The WBO recommend that member countries should consider inviting judges from overseas who are members of the WBO International Judges Panel, as approved by the WBO, to judge at shows that are under their jurisdiction. A full WBO International Judges List is available from the Secretary on request.

Standardisation of Colours

The WBO has an A5 coloured card with the agreed Budgerigar Colour Guide depicting the 10 primary budgerigar colours using the Pantone Colour Codes. The cards used are of 250 mg/m˛ card print. The colours are only there as a guide with the understanding that the colours for the grey and grey green are those for the light factor.

Should any society wish to purchase these cards in quantity they can do so at a cost of €0.50 (euro) each + postage (minimum order is 10) from Gerd Bleicher at his home address: (Schramberger Str. 41, D-13467 Berlin, Germany. Tel: +49 30 40 44251, email: gerd.bleicher@dsv-ev.de).

WBO Badge

At the 2010 meeting the WBO approved its own designed badge depicting the WBO logo of the Ideal Budgerigar superimposed on the world map. The cost to purchase this badge, from the secretary, is 3.00 GB pounds each, plus postage.

WBO Rosettes 

Each member country/society receives four WBO rosettes each year, as part of their affiliation, for Best Any Age, Best Any Age Opposite Sex, Best Young Bird & Best Young Bird Opposite Sex in Show to be awarded to four different birds at their national show. Names of winners and photos of the winning birds are then included on each year’s Rosette Winners file. Please visit the website for current & previous winners.

WBO World Show

The WBO is to investigate in depth the feasibility of staging its own World Show to coincide with one country’s national show.

WBO Executive Committee (E.C.)

An Executive Committee was created in 2004 to run the affairs of the WBO between Council meetings. The E.C. for 2011 consists of Chairman Gerd Bleicher (Germany), Secretary Ghalib Al-Nasser (U.K.), Vice-Chairman Carlos Ramôa (Portugal) and Immediate Past Chairman Roger Carr (U.K.). 

WBO Publicity and the Website

The WBO website is kept updated on a regular basis with many files of interest such as research articles, Pictorial Ideal, Colour Standards, Scale of Points, details of member organisations, ring specification etc. Photos of past WBO rosette winners around the World are also included on the website (click on each photo to enlarge it).

For further comments on any of the above items please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary and please keep visiting the WBO website for regular updates.

Ghalib Al-Nasser
