Report by
Ghalib Al-Nasser
The organisation held its 22nd
Annual Meeting in Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom on 5th
June 2015 by invitation from the Budgerigar Society, to coincide
with their 90th Anniversary and a 2-day Convention. The
WBO also staged its third WBO World Championship Show at this event.
20 delegates from thirteen countries attended the meeting Delegates
who attended the meeting represented the following countries:
Belgium, Canada, Eire, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Portugal,
Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and U.S.A.
The WBO Chairman, Gerd
Bleicher, thanked the host society The Budgerigar Society for the
invitation and for the generous gifts they received and
extended a special welcome to Beverley Hutt, The
B.S. President.
The WBO Secretary, Ghalib
Al-Nasser, also thanked the host society and informed the meeting
that our current membership is strong with 43 affiliated societies
from 32 countries spread over the 6 continents.
The Gould Award
Since the WBO created its
own prestigious award called The Gould Award back in 2011 to
be awarded for Meritorious Services to the World of Budgerigars
in any field; the winners receiving a special Gould Medal as well as
a Certificate to commemorate the win, have been so far Jo Mannes
from Germany in 2012, Warren Wilson from Australia in 2013 and
Ghalib Al-Nasser from United Kingdom in 2014.
During 2015 three societies
sent nominations for this award for two candidates and they were
from Canada (WCBA), Germany (DSV) for Gerd Bleicher, Germany and for
Reinhard Molkentin, South Africa.
The Gould Award Committee
agreed on the principal of voting and reserves for existing
committee members should one of them be nominated. The winner was
Gerd Bleicher and the award was given as an acknowledgement of the
work that Gerd has done for the WBO as Chairman since 2006 and for
promoting the hobby within his society. The WBO extends warm
congratulations to Gerd for achieving this high honour and also to
all the other worthy candidates. The presentation was made to Gerd
by the Immediate Past Chairman Roger Carr at the WBO meeting.

Gerd Bleicher (WBO
Chairman) receiving his award in the presence of Roger Carr (WBO
immediate Past Chairman), Beverley Hutt (B.S. President), Ghalib
Al-Nasser (WBO Secretary) and Carlos Ramôa (WBO Vice Chairman)
Nominations for this award
close on 31st December each year and need to be sent to
the Secretary with biographical notes of the candidate not exceeding
200 words.
WBO World Championship
Having laid the guidelines
in 2011 for such a show the WBO staged their third World
Championship Show in Stoke on Trent to coincide with The Budgerigar
Society Convention show.
The show
received an entry of exhibition budgerigars of 352 which also
included 24 Colour Budgerigars from 46 exhibitors of which 12 came
from overseas coming from Belgium, Germany, Italy & Portugal. With 5
countries participating in this event it was truly an international
Best in Show
John Rogers Grey Green cock
Best Opposite Sex John Rogers Yellowface
Grey hen
Best Champion John Rogers Grey
Green cock
Best Intermediate Dean Jukes Spangle Grey
Best Novice Ady Lovack Grey
Best Beginner Jody & Darryl Faram Skyblue cock
Best Junior Cullam Wood
Grey cock
Best of Colour Awards
(receiving WBO rosettes):
Light Green
A. Lovack
Dark Green A & G Adams
Skyblue T & A Luke
Dark Blue T & A Luke
Grey Green J. Rogers
Grey A. Lovack
Opaline Green J & D Faram
Opaline Blue T & A Luke
Cinnamon Green R. Watts
Cinnamon Blue T & L Jukes
Opaline Cinnamon R. Warrender
Lutino R. Watts
Albino R. Watts
Yellow-wing M & D Walker
Whitewing B. Taylor
Crest A & G Adams
Spangle Green J. Grubb
Spangle Blue D. Jukes
D.F. Spangle A. Wood
Dominant Pied A & G Adams
Recessive Pied T & A Luke
Yellowface A & G Adams
Rare Variety S & R Clarke
Clearbody C. Ramôa (Portugal)
A.O.C. T & A Luke
Pair T & A Luke
Team J. Cosby
Colour Budgerigar Corinne Castellano (Italy)
Long Flights/Long
Many topics of importance
facing fanciers all over the world have been tabled at past WBO
meetings for discussion by the delegates such as flecking and
feather problems. A lengthy debate took place last year about a
current problem that has increased in the appearance of budgerigars
on the show bench with long flights and long tails mainly in certain
countries in Europe, United Kingdom and South Africa.
The debate led to the
formation of new Guidelines for Judges and Exhibitors about the Long
Flights and Long Tails which should be disqualified as the
bird should be in proportion and balanced. It was agreed that if the
bird has a long tail that touches the floor of the show cage but its
head does not touch the ceiling of the show cage then the bird is
not in proportion and should be disqualified. These Guidelines ar on
the WBO website.
Colour Budgerigars
Colour Budgerigars are quite
popular in many countries in Europe and classes for them are
provided by all COM International & World Shows as part of the
mandatory classification. They have been exhibited in many countries
over many years including in the United Kingdom.
The WBO have recognised this
variety since last year after most of the affiliated societies
agreed for the WBO to adopt them in their Standard.
There is an official Scale
of Points, Pictorial Ideal and Standard of Perfection for the Colour
Budgerigar on the WBO website.
Judges Criteria
At the 2011 WBO meeting it
was agreed to create a Judges Criteria and to assist the
smaller and newer countries/societies that do not have a proper
Judges Training Scheme to assist their members on how to become
judges in their own countries. The following criteria were adopted
by the WBO:
5 years breeder of
Test approved by
Test through
management of WBO or an appointed person from WBO
5 years judge in
national organisation before applying to the WBO Judges Panel
Since this scheme commenced,
two fanciers have taken a judging test laid down by the WBO and
under WBO supervision consisting of practical, written and colour
identification tests and passed. These are Ahmad Raza Sahi from
Pakistan (passed in December 2012) and Björn Johansson from Sweden
(passed in October 2013). Their societies will be able to ask the
WBO to add them on the WBO International Judges Panel after
completion of 5 years as judges in their own countries.
In May 2015, Maarten Haylen
from Belgium sat the test and passed and his WBO Judges Certificate
was presented to him at the WBO meeting in Stoke-on-Trent by the
Chairman Gerd Bleicher.

Maarten Heylen from
Belgium receives his WBO Judges certificate from
WBO Officials Gerd Bleicher & Ghalib Al-Nasser at the 2015 WBO
Future Meetings
The next WBO meeting will be
held in late 2nd December 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal, to
coincide with the national society SPO National Show. The SPO will
also be hosting the 4th WBO World Championship Show at
this event as well.
The WBO is in a strong
position in so far as future meetings till 2018 have already been
planned with Hungary in 2017 and South Africa in 2018.
Ring Specification, Colour Code and
The current ring
specification for the budgerigar and colour sequence as adopted by
both the WBO and the Confederation Ornithologique Mondiale (COM), is
listed below:
Minimum internal
mm |
Maximum internal diameter |
mm |
Wall thickness
– 0.90 mm |
Ring height
– 4.00 mm |
Colour |
Pantone Code |
Code |
Year |
Year |
Violet |
U |
4008 |
2009 |
2015 |
Orange |
U |
2003 |
2010 |
2016 |
Blue |
U |
5019 |
2011 |
2017 |
Red |
U |
3002 |
2012 |
2018 |
Black |
2U2X |
8005 |
2013 |
2019 |
Pastel Green |
U (closest) |
6019 |
2014 |
2020 |
Member societies are
strongly reminded that, when ordering rings from any ring
manufacturer, to specify the exact WBO ring colour and the
Pantone Code as well as the ring specification to avoid any
misunderstanding by ring manufacturers.
The WBO currently is in a
healthy position with 43 affiliated societies spread over 6
continents in 32 countries. They are:
Asia: Japan,
Pakistan, Philippines
Australia, New Zealand
Africa: South
- Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Eire, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary,
Italy, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovensko, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom
North America:
Canada, United States of America
South America:
Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela
International Judges Panel
A list of current judges who are on the WBO
International Judges Panel is on the website and full addresses of
each judge may be obtained from the Secretary. The conditions
relating to admittance to the WBO Judges Panel are as follows:
to be a current
champion breeder and exhibitor of Budgerigars in their own
country. Where a country/society has only “one” Status of
Exhibitor, a breeder and exhibitor of long standing will be
acceptable subject to “b” & “c” below.
be a fully qualified
judge for a minimum of 5 years in their own country or in the
country/society in which they qualified.
apply in writing to
their National Society (or the society in which they qualified)
to be placed on the list. The National Society will then be
responsible for checking their qualifications and, if eligible,
for passing names, addresses and telephone numbers to the WBO
Secretary for inclusion on the list.
The WBO recommend that
member countries should consider inviting judges from overseas who
are members of the WBO International Judges Panel, as approved by
the WBO, to judge at shows that are under their jurisdiction. A full
WBO International Judges List is available from the Secretary on
Affiliation Fee
The delegates present at
this year’s meeting agreed to the proposal by the Executive
Committee to increase the affiliation fee to member societies to
become effective as from 1st April 2016. The new fees
Number of Members
Annual Fee (£) No. of Votes
5000 or
above 400 10
3000 to
4999 320 8
1000 to
2999 200 6
500 to
999 105
Less than
500 40 2
WBO Badge
At the 2010 meeting, the WBO
approved its own designed badge depicting the WBO logo of the Ideal
Budgerigar superimposed on the world map. The cost to purchase this
badge, from the secretary, is 3.00 GB pounds each, plus postage.
WBO Rosettes
Each member country/society
receives four WBO rosettes each year, as part of their affiliation,
for Best Any Age, Best Any Age Opposite Sex, Best Young Bird &
Best Young Bird Opposite Sex in Show to be awarded to four
different birds at their national show. Names of winners and photos
of the winning birds are then included on each year’s Rosette
Winners file. Please visit the website for current & previous
WBO Executive
Committee (E.C.)
An Executive Committee was
created in 2004 to run the affairs of the WBO between Council
meetings. The E.C. for 2015 consists of Chairman Gerd Bleicher
(Germany), Secretary Ghalib Al-Nasser (U.K.), Vice-Chairman Carlos
Ramôa (Portugal) and Immediate Past Chairman Roger Carr (U.K.).
The Chairman announced that
he will be retiring from office when his term ends on 31st
March 2016 after serving 10 years as Chairman.
The delegates extended their
sincere thanks and appreciation to Gerd for his commitment to the
WBO during his years in office.
WBO Publicity and the Website
The WBO website is kept
updated on a regular basis with many files of interest such as
research articles, Pictorial Ideal, Colour Standards, Scale of
Points, details of member organisations, ring specification etc.
Photos of past WBO rosette winners around the World are also
included on the website (click on each photo to enlarge it).
For further comments on any
of the above items please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary
and please keep visiting the WBO website for regular updates.
Ghalib Al-Nasser,
Secretary/Treasurer |