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International Judges Panel

A WBO International Judges Panel was created in 1996 and to be eligible for inclusion on this Panel (updated regularly) a judge must meet the following criteria:

a.       be a current champion breeder and exhibitor of Budgerigars in their own country. Where a country/society has only “one” Status of Exhibitor, a breeder and exhibitor of long standing will be acceptable subject to “b” & “c” below.

b.       be a fully qualified judge for a minimum of 5-years in their own country of residence.

c.       apply in writing to their National Society (or the society in which they qualified) to be placed on the list. The National Society will then be responsible for checking their qualifications and, if eligible, for passing names, addresses and telephone numbers to the WBO Secretary for inclusion on the list.

It was also agreed that member countries should consider inviting judges from other countries who are members of the International Judges Panel, as approved by the WBO, to judge at shows that are under their jurisdiction. However, when a member country/society decides to invite a Judge from another country to their National Show, where the WBO Rosettes are awarded, they SHOULD only use a judge who is on the approved WBO International Judges list.

A full address detail of the WBO International Judges List is available from the Secretary on request as we are unable to include addresses because of the Data Protection Act. However, names and telephone numbers can be found on the WBO website.

©  WBO 2023

International Judges’ List - 22nd February 2025

Australia (+61)
Roy Blair 3 6391 2595
Jim Fletcher 3 6265 2779
Derek Poole 3 6391 2065
South Australia
Shiralee Reardon 8 8396  3963
Nigel Tonkin 8 8275 2155
New South Wales
Garry Gazzard 2 4118 34690
Alan McCauley 2 4297 3914
James Bader 3 9336 1601
Stephen Mow 3 5439 3088
Peter Thurn 3 5367 4815
Rod Turnbull 400 354 178
North & Central Queensland
Scott Eriksen 61 0149 776 837
Kevin O'Callaghan 7 4926 1635
Ian Schneider 7 4928 7709
South Queensland
Henry George 7 3289 4785
Neale R Love 7 5442 6726
Errol Miller 7 3284 5601
Lynne Miller 7 3284 5601
Austria (+43) Belgium (+32)
Karl Eben 2232 80967
Johann Kastner 664 162 3750
Wilhelm Kohout 2266 65369
Gerhard Payr 5332 81538
Maarten Heylen 468 267662
Rene Heylen 475 438732
Dirk Meskens 477 285995
Patrick van Zwol 1520 5602
Brazil (+55) Canada (+1)
Jorge Luis de Pina 21 99986-9878
Renato Azevedo Uchoa 18 99783-0968
Ley Hamilton da Silva Filho 48 98453-1837
Emerson Juliano Prates 55 99618-9116
Fulvio Lucietto 11 97223-7843
WCBA Judges
Poul Christiansen 604-219 9806
Carsten Jensen 250 743 4412
Jim Marshall 604 997 4469
H&DBS Judges
Jeff Coles 519 647 3591
John Zerafa 905 355 5542
Czech Republic (+420) Denmark (+45)
Ladislav Groda 605 744 477
Petr Pechar 603 287 431
Jirí Rejha 728 776 277
DUK Judges
Bjarne Christiansen 5380 3600
Jesper  Jørgensen 24666484
Peer Jørgensen 21283021
Svend Erik Korgaard 98317292
Hans Christian Østergaard 51165690
Lars Voss 2026 7540
Egypt (+20) France (+33)

Abdelrahman Khedr

11144 88872

UOF COM Judges  
Jean Bescond 298 973 487
Pierre Channoy 681 617 820
Michel Dudognon 623 844  582
Nicolas Kerguen 672 799 417
Christine Reichenbach 388 502 243
AFO Judges  
Jean Peelman 633 371 702
Germany (+49)
AZ Judges  
Christian Back 160 7280591
Winfried Beger 4271 2121

Marcellus Bürkle

7841 6656873 / 174 2102275
Jens Dufft 36941 72524 / 160 4948069
Sven Friedrichs 4544-890240 / 170 8679553
Mario Hemmerich 451-9690918 / 176-62285764
Rolf Hentzler 6155 3436 / 160 95837649
Peter Hofmann 36941 72231 / 173 3597554
Hubert Jansen 2161 592394 / 172 5876666
AZ Judges
Clemens Keller 7254 404244 / 160 8838160
Werner Kuhn 6349 8219 / 172 6113298
Richard Lehmann 5694 374
Siegmar Moke 2504 88288
Jens Pollmann

4954936545 / 0176 22823513

Rolf Schindelmeiser 5831 993405 / 1525 1450501
WernerStößelt 911 863979
Manfred Zintl 911 5706716 / 172 8190197
DSV Judges  
Gerd Bleicher 30 404 42 51
Bodo Browarczyk 2366 52111
Ralf Fiedler 7184 2230
Rigobert Müller 151 465 34196
Frank Nietgen 22 73 82 56
Michael Schulte 2922 91 13 43
Martin Stieglmaier 1 7659 922997
Klaus Töller 2104 74972
Wilhelm Trimborn 24 34 22 42
VZE Judges  
Richard Lehmann 5694 374
Lothar Tasche 35752 16071
Holland (+31) Hungary (+36)
Jac Cuyten 402 013671
Wim H. J. Hattink 570 591393
Jan G. van Meeteren 345 569231
Han Schrijver 683 263153
Tibor Gyerkó 209 142 162
Republic of Ireland (+353)  
Thomas Burke 1 84431954
Italy (+39) New Zealand (+64)
Giancarlo Caligari 0328 765 5059
Giuseppe Casagrande  
Sandro Maestà  
Dino Pocecco 03470 749963
Roberto Sabattini 0347 520 9433
Luigi Vergari  
Keith Flockhart 021 038 9823
Mike Fuller 021 139 1151
Robyn Grinter 027 237 8530
Tony Grinter 027 430 2800
Phil Hill 027 311 7537
David Ingoe 021 217 4439
Linda Patten 07 8496870
Norway (+47) Pakistan (+92)
Svein Inge Johnsen 51 890594
Waseem Anwer 333 4955153
Mobassir Sattar Khan 321 4223440
Ali Raza Sahi 345 4051506
Ahmad Raza Sahi 345 4051506
Hannad Shakir 333 4334804
Amir Sharif 333 4255616
Portugal (+351) Philippines (+63)
Armando Cerezo 91 9079213
Carlos Fernando Ramöa 96 9011071
Rui Teixeira 93 3850670
Amelita Lupena-Escalona 28689265
South Africa (+27) Spain (+34)
Ian Bleasdale 7658 28206
Deon Davie 82 377 7686
Johan vd Merwe 834527190
Ian Nel 814015016
Tony Slight 83 287 4214
Pierre Swart 79 797 5265
Paul Visser 636491974
Eva Samper LLasat


Salvador Riambau Ramón 629 844 800
Nicasio Brotons Soriano 653 58 93 32
Sweden (+46) Switzerland (+41)
SUH Judges  
Björn Johansson   7 04325530
Marcel Bühler 79 341 8482
Manfred Haller 26 929 8568
Armin Giger 79 242 1486
Daniel Lutolf 79 705 4908
Jean-Pierre Rotzetter 26 494 1194
Kurt Vogt 62 791 1179
United States of America (+1)
ABS Judges
Larry Allen 931 381 7501
Mike Dahl 501 493 2542
Gary Hicken 801 960 8778
David Hyatt 931 540 8417
John Laborda 737-781-1000
Luemma McWilliams 931-626-2230
John Miles 818 241 6746
Leon Saad 619 230 8529
BAA Judges
Robert Marshall 502 968 4874
Larry Moore 910 840 6784
Pablo Ortiz 772 334 9631
Richard Schmidt 813 677 2545
Dan Scholtes 515 537 3866
Mary Ann Silva 559 909 8181
Henry Timmes 954 475 2090
Dewayne Weldon 936 422 9092
Julie Willis 469 524 9700
United Kingdom (+44)
BS Judges  
Ian Ainley 1706 374310
Scott Ainley 7588 969741
Ghalib Al-Nasser 1787 282332
Janice Al-Nasser 1787 282332
Roy Aplin 1929 553742
Martin Bagnall 121 552 5455
Geoff Bowley 1283 814034
Dennis Cairns 1913 892610
Roger Carr 1844 213600
Richard Carson 7510797328
Gavin Carter 1323 502252
Dave Cottrell 1244 821650
Grant Findlay 7889 071746
Tim Gee

7801 259952

Mark Gulley 1736 756916
Mike Holland 121 559 2452
Steve Holland 1527 68724
Richard Hooper 1297 678144
Bill Hough 1283 223265
Malcolm Hough 1283 223265
Bev Hutt 1223 515670
Terry Jukes 1782 833003
Robbie Keeber 116 273 7145
John Lees 1283 295242
Tom McCrindle 1290 332102
Allan Michael 1472 882720
Richard Miller 7740 782816
Ron Payne 1793 485441
Ron Pearce 20 8866 2709
John Punchard 116 260 9182
Phil Reaney 7970 880990
Brian Reese 1736 754136
Adrian Richards 1740 651112
Maurice Roberts 1209 718188
John Rogers 1919 081584
Don Rowell 7761 432349
Chris Snell 1472 322151
Gary Sutton 1623 455716
Adrian Terheege 7984 430053
Trevor Terheege 1455 212953
Cy Thorne 116 2672159
Andy Thorpe 2392 363007
Geoff Tillson 01562 743035
Graham Turner 1904 703030
Geoff Tuplin 1482 668752
Terry Tuxford 7836 723082
Rick Watts 1323 650499
Mick Widdowson 1754 763193
Sam Wildes 7712 418967
Gwyn Williams 1248 602679
NIBZFBS Judges  
Samuel Adams 7845873744
Jackie Haskins 2890791559
Chris Laverty 07752 441189
Adrian Shiels 2825821197

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