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Both the Belgian and Dutch Budgerigar Societies combined their efforts to organise the WBO meeting held last September. The meeting was held in Oelegem, Belgium followed by the Dutch National show. It was a credit to both societies for organising these combined functions and our special thanks are extended to all their officials and members for their warm welcome and hospitality to our delegates and their partners. Delegates from 15 societies representing 12 countries attended the meeting from Belgium, Canada, Eire, France, Germany, Holland, Israel, Portugal, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States of America.

The topics discussed and decisions made can be summarised as follows:

Two new societies joined the WBO during 2004 and they are the Sociedade Portuguese Do Ondulado (SPO) from Portugal and Japan Showbirds Budgerigars Association (JSB) from Japan. On behalf of the WBO affiliated societies we extend a warm welcome to those two societies and their members.

WBO Constitution
Since the 2003 WBO meeting, a sub-committee was formed to look deeper into the aspect of membership and officers of the WBO. The recommendations were balloted to the affiliated societies and the secretary read out the results at the meeting.

Resolution 1 – To amend Rules 3(iv), 4(i) & (ii) and 5(i) & (ii). This resolution was passed with 73% of the casting vote.

Resolution 2 – To amend Rules 6(v) & (vi), 7(i), (vi) & (vii), 9(iii)-(ix) and 10(viii). This resolution was passed with 70% of the casting vote.

Rosettes – To increase the number of rosettes to 4 per society catering for the opposite sexes as well. This resolution was passed with 87% of the casting vote.

WBO Model
Since a prototype 3-dimensional WBO Model was created in 2003 a CD-ROM was made of the model using a process of digitalisation with the chance to rotate the bird so that it can be viewed from all angles with the facility of zooming. This CD was sent to all affiliated societies with a ballot form for societies to vote for or against acceptance of the Model as the WBO Ideal.

The Model failed to be accepted by societies by 80% of the casting vote.

After much debate it was agreed to form a sub-committee consisting of delegates from Canada, Switzerland and Great Britain to draw up specifications for a new Model and to invite interested parties via the internet to submit their suggestions and costing. When the task is completed the secretary will relate their findings to all the delegates.

Standardisation of Colours
Having completed the task in 2003 a new A5 coloured card with the agreed Budgerigar Colour Guide depicting the 10 primary budgerigar colours using the Pantone Colour Codes was produced by Gerd Bleicher (Germany). The cards used are of 250 mg/mē card print. It was agreed to accept those printed cards; the colours are only there as a guide with the understanding that the colours for the grey and grey green are those for the light factor.

Should any society wishes to purchase these cards in quantity they can do so at a cost of €0.5 (euro) each + postage (minimum order is 10) from Gerd Bleicher (Scramberger Str. 41, D-13467 Berlin, Germany. Tel: +49 30 40 44251, email: gerd.bleicher@dsv-ev.de).

WBO Publicity and the website
A new WBO Information Leaflet was produced by the Secretary and it is now on the WBO website. Photos of 2004 WBO rosette winners around the World are also included on the website (click on each photo to enlarge it). It is hoped that other societies will send photos of their winners to be added to those already on the website.

International Judges Panel
It was agreed to make slight adjustments to the conditions relating to admittance to the WBO Judges Panel. The new criteria is as follows:

  1. be a current champion breeder and exhibitor of Budgerigars in their own country. Where a country/society has only “one” Status of Exhibitor, a breeder and exhibitor of long standing will be acceptable subject to “b” & “c” below.

  2. be a fully qualified judge for a minimum of 5-years in their own country or in the country/society in which they qualified.

  3. apply in writing to their National Society (or the society in which they qualified) to be placed on the list. The National Society will then be responsible for checking their qualifications and, if eligible, for passing names, addresses and telephone numbers to the WBO Secretary for inclusion on the list.

It was also agreed that member countries should consider inviting judges from overseas who are members of the International Judges Panel, as approved by the WBO, to judge at shows that are under their jurisdiction. A WBO International Judges List is available from the Secretary on request.

Officers’ Elections
Ghalib Al-Nasser was re-elected Secretary for a further two years and under the new Constitution, Gerd Bleicher from Germany was elected the new Vice Chairman to serve for two years. Both appointments will commence from 1st April 2005.

Next Meeting
The next WBO meeting is scheduled in Las Vegas, United States of America on Friday 21st October 2005 and will be hosted by the Budgerigar Association of America. This is to coincide with their Grand National show that weekend. All delegates and partners are invited to attend the Banquet on the Saturday evening. The venue for the meeting and the show is:

The Palace Station Hotel & Casino, 2411 West Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102. Telephone for room reservations is +1 800 634 3101 and there are two websites that you can visit: www.stationcasinos.com and www.palacestation.com

Room rates are $69 per room, per night based on a single or double occupancy for the Friday and Saturday and $39 during the week. When booking rooms please mention Budgerigar Association of America or Reservation ID “PCIBUDG”. Booking at those rates will stay open till 20th September 2005. A deposit must be paid when booking. The nearest International airport is McCarran International Airport and the hotel runs a free shuttle from the airport to the hotel. Further information on the venue & functions can be obtained from Lou Smaldino (smaldino@earthlink.net).

For further comments on any of the above items please do not hesitate to contact me and please keep visiting the WBO website for regular updates.

Ghalib Al-Nasser